We woke up this morning with no AC, windows open, birds chirping, and snuggled under heavy blankets. A chilly morning at 64 degrees was a wonderful change up from the crippling heat index we had been in.
We got up for breakfast and then set off for where our rain interrupted yesterday, the Hang Nha Crazy House.
And, my, was it crazy in more than just design. This whole area is the brainchild of the daughter of the former right-hand man of Ho Chi Minh who studied architecture in Moscow. Her idea was to build a home that returned to nature, the trees. The paths throughout wound like branches.
About halfway through our visit (climb) the tour groups arrived, namely Russian and Korean groups. I hate to name names, but unfortunately they paint the picture well. Between one group's affinity for photos and the other's disregard for rules and courtesy, the tight, high passageways got crowded quickly and ability to navigate fell to the more aggressive.
Let's just say Mer's Russian commands came out as well as my elbows. These tour groups put the 'crazy' in Crazy House. (And heaven forbid there was anyone actually staying in the rooms of this madness!)
Afterward, we headed off to the center point of Dalat, Xuan Huong Lake. We knew there was a flower garden around there, but not exactly where. We headed to the obvious large glass structures.
Perhaps you, like we did, noticed the dark, gray clouds around. And, yes, it did begin to rain. Luckily for us, those glass structures had doors. And inside those doors were stairs that led to … a mall?
So while it rained outside we wandered inside where there was a grocery store for catching your own fish and squid.
And a Korean-style McDonalds where we got some comfort food.
And where Mer could bemoan the small ketchup portions.
But we weren't above a little treat.
Finally, the rain cleared and we set off for the (now known location of the) flower gardens. Now, many review sites had panned this place, but we enjoyed it. Think drunk Disney meets the fruit farmer lobby with a skilled horticulturist or two. Selfie-stick required.
And we found an almost Eiffel Tower (since Dalat is billed as the Paris of Vietnam).
As we neared the exit, the familiar gray clouds returned, and we knew we had to hustle. On our way back to our place, we passed the large cathedral in town (there are notably more churches in the Dalat specifically, and the South generally)
We made it back to cement our near future plans. I wanted to relish the coolness of Dalat for one more day while exploring the extremities (but there were no tours we could get to go to the areas we wanted, so we'd do it ourselves).
At family dinner that night, there were some new dishes, plus I tried a new Fanta flavor.
(But it mostly tasted like black jelly beans)
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